First, on Saturday, Nicky ran into our spare bedroom where we have a large floor length mirror and he pointed at himself and said "ME!" At first it didn't register and then I thought, holy cow, he said ME. He knows who he is!!
Then in the bath on Sunday, Nicky kept asking for more toothpaste, over and over and over again until I finally said No More! He didn't cry or throw a tantrum like he is known to do, but simply said "Pwease". Pwease - he said it himself, and I didn't have to ask him to say it! My baby has a mind of his own...and he thinks! And Pwease is the cutest word he says right now. He follows that up with his smile that melts your heart. And finally, today as we were driving home, I saw him studying his arm and very carefully picking flakes of dried glue off his skin. He was concentrating so hard. He's only 16 months and looked so serious. I couldnt help but picture him at 5, 10, 20 and imagine what he will be like....I am just amazed that I produced this little creature!
On to Brandon's weekend...on Friday, Brandon had his 2 month check up and his first shots. Its amazing how much they grow in just 8 weeks. Brandon weighed in 12 pounds 15 oz and registered in at the 75th percentile. At the same time, Nicky was 12 pounds, 9 ounces. Brandon is 23 tall (50th) and his head is in the 40th percentile. Nicky was taller at 23 1/4th and his head was practically the same. Brandon got a clean bill of health, but has the same abnormal hemoglobin that Nicky has. I have to follow up with the blood dr, but if its the same as Nicholas, we shouldnt expect any serious problems. I like to think I have 2 super heros. The appointment ended with his vaccines. Its so hard to hold them down and then hear them scream. But I love that as his mommy I can hold him and comfort him and make things all better.
Brandon is also showing lots of good early development like following you with his eyes, holding his head up, and making lots of cooing sounds. Overall he is a pretty good baby except for sleeping. Its been 10 weeks and I am not getting any sleep. He sleeps from 9pm ish to about 1 or 2 am (maybe 12) and after that he is up every 1-2 hours. Its been miserable, and poor Dan has witnessed and been a recipient of my mighnight wrath. I keep reminding myself that this too shall pass...but in the meantime it is pretty shitty. I'm officially exhausted! :)
Other than no sleep, I am enjoying my new addition. He has a little personality and I can't wait to see how different he will be from Nicky. Right now is going through a bad baby acne stage and we are trying very hard to keep his head round. :) He still wont take a pacifier, but we found that he likes to gnaw on a blanket. Its really cute watching him go at it and keeps him busy which is nice for us.
Overall our weekend was spent entertaining our boys, football, and trying to get snatches of sleep hear and there. Saturday we had another date night and were able to try a new steak and sushi restaurant called Mizu, and went to a movie to see All About Steve, which we thought was pretty funny.
Sunday I spent the day with Nicky while Dan watched football all day. Dan owes me big time. I am already looking forward to Feb.
We have an exciting weekend ahead - Aunt Jennie comes to visit! It should be fun and then we fly to SF for Brandon's Baptism. Yay!
Until next time...xoxox
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