Our first outing was 4th of July weekend, when Grandma Larissa came to visit. I dressed the boys in their finest camo, hiked downtown, squeezed 6 of us into my Lexus (I scrunched out in the hactchback. It was OK though, I was reading book 1 of the Hunger Games. i welcomed the cramps) Not only is this museum exciting for boys of all ages, but I thoroughly enjoyed it too. I would love to go back to spend more time reading all the history of the battles and wars that were won and lost, remmebering the fallen heros, and wishing for a section on Vietnam. (strange!)
It was a very detailed museum with a real helicopters, a cockpits of a fighter jet you can take pictures in, real tanks and jeeps out in Artillery Row. The kids could try on real gear and helmets - us adults too! - and there were plenty of recreating of real battles from the 1800's to World War II. The "nazi" room was pretty sobering, as was the wall of "heroes" from World War 1.
We went again with a Mom's group, and the boys had just as mush fun a second time. In fact, I still get asked to go to the "Army Mans" museum. It wont be the last time we go! Oh and it's free - they accept donations. :)
Then the boys found this open conference room. They wore themselves out!
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