I Love you Leifsdottir. Happy Black Friday
Auntie Val and her Boys
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
I didn't think Brandon and Nicholas looked that much a like. Until today! I took one of my favorite pictures of Valerie and Nicholas and made her pose with Brandon this morning to recreate the same picture, like I did with Roxy and her boys. Below are the pictures side by side! Guess which one is which?! :)
Nicky is 15 weeks and Brandon is 19 weeks in these pictures. Valerie is 31 and 32 ;o)
Nicky is 15 weeks and Brandon is 19 weeks in these pictures. Valerie is 31 and 32 ;o)
Brandon's Good Eats
Monday, November 23, 2009
Brandon has added pears to his diet. Brandon loves Pears! You can't hear him but he is squealing in delight! :)
bouncy chair,
first foods,
small paul
When I got home from Park City....
I had two of these pretty boxes waiting for me!! My N and B initial necklaces I have been wanting forever! Thank you to the best husband in the world! Now what do I need for my birthday and christmas...? hmm......thinking....
david yurman,
Nicky Adventures
Last weekend we had another Mommy and Nicky adventure! Nicholas and I went to Park City to surprise Valerie for her first World Cup Bobsled race of the season. We left early on Friday morning to be there in time for the race at 3pm.

Nicky did great on the plane. He didn't sleep, but he was very good. We arrived in Park City and there was just a little snow, even though I brought a full on snow suit and all his new snow gear. I kept my secret all week, but couldn't wait to surpise her at her front door. I called her on my way up the mountain I was so excited.

Nicky saw snow for the first time at Vals house and said EWWWW when he touched it. Baby steps. Nicky did pretty good at the race on Friday night but after about 2 and a half hours the cold got too much and Nicky has a mini meltdown. Thanks to Shauna's family and the girls friend Nina, we were able to keep him warm enough to get to the car. Once we got to the car, he quickly fell asleep in my arms. Val and Shauna didn't have a great start to the season, but there are more races and its a big year for both of them.We met Val and Shauna after the race at Redstone brewery for dinner. Nicky had fun , hestayed up till 10 pm and danced in the streets in Park City.
It was good to see Val and spend time with her before she left for 9 weeks to go on tour in Europe. Nicky loves Val (Vawl) and loved spending time with Grandma Booba (Bubba) and Grandpa Bob (Pa Pa).
The rest of the trip was spent exploring Park City and we headed up to the Utah Olympic Park to take pictures of Nicky in the bobsled and explore the museum. Its snowed on our last day and Nicky loved to catch snowflakes on his tongue. It was a great trip and the ride home was just as nice. Nicky danced in the airport to Pour Some Sugar On Me and made everyone laugh. He is so charming! I loved this picture of Nicky on the plane with his Nemo.
I posted more pictures here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/victoriaabeling/sets/72157622718265601/with/4120757038/
Nicky did great on the plane. He didn't sleep, but he was very good. We arrived in Park City and there was just a little snow, even though I brought a full on snow suit and all his new snow gear. I kept my secret all week, but couldn't wait to surpise her at her front door. I called her on my way up the mountain I was so excited.
Nicky saw snow for the first time at Vals house and said EWWWW when he touched it. Baby steps. Nicky did pretty good at the race on Friday night but after about 2 and a half hours the cold got too much and Nicky has a mini meltdown. Thanks to Shauna's family and the girls friend Nina, we were able to keep him warm enough to get to the car. Once we got to the car, he quickly fell asleep in my arms. Val and Shauna didn't have a great start to the season, but there are more races and its a big year for both of them.We met Val and Shauna after the race at Redstone brewery for dinner. Nicky had fun , hestayed up till 10 pm and danced in the streets in Park City.
Happiest Baby on the Block
Friday, November 20, 2009
The thing about Brandon is that he is so happy. He laughs. He giggles. He coos non stop. He gurgles and hiccups. Its hard to remember that babies can be easy after you have a Nicholas. I personally think this was God's way of making sure I did not jump off a deep end with another "high need, high maintenance" child :)
Here is Brandon talking while Daddy and Nicky put together the new table and chairs in the play room
And here are some more pictures from weeks 17 & 18 of the happiest baby on the block!
Here is Brandon talking while Daddy and Nicky put together the new table and chairs in the play room
And here are some more pictures from weeks 17 & 18 of the happiest baby on the block!
Brandon - 4 Month Wellness Check!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Here are some of the four-month milestones and how Brandon is doing:
"By four months, your baby ... should be able to:
- on stomach, lift head up 90 degrees (yes)
- laugh out loud (yes and its the best sound in the world!)
- follow an object in an arc about 6 inches above the face for 180 degrees, from one side to the other (yes)
... will probably be able to:
- hold head steady when upright (yes, but kinda wobbly at times)
- on stomach, raise chest, supported by arms (yes)
- grasp a rattle held to backs or tips of fingers (yes)
- pay attention to an object as small as a raisin (no, i don't have any raisins)
- reach for an object (yes)
- squeal in delight (yes, very loudly too)
... may possibly be able to:
- keep head level with body when pulled to sitting (Yes! we love baby pull ups!)
- roll over one way (yes, from tummy to back. back to tummy is still a little hard)
- turn in the direction of mommy's voice (yes, he LOVES mommy)
- say "ah-goo" or similar vowel-consonant combinations (Brandon talks all day long).
- make a wet razzing sound (we're working on raspberry sounds!)
... may even be able to:
- bear some weight on legs when held upright (yes, he's so strong!.)
- sit without support (no, but spends lots of time in his Bumbo)
- object if you try to take a toy away (not yet)
- turn in the direction of a voice (yep)
Below is an email I sent out back in Oct 08 when Nicky was 4 months old. 3 weeks later I would get pregnant with Brandon...so crazy!
ps. Funny, here we are a year later and I still owe people thank you cards from Brandon's baptism. I am SO bad at that and i am SO sorry.
Hello Friends and family!
2 weeks ago, Dan and I had pictures taken of Nicholas at 4 months old.
He loves the camera already, probably because I have taken 8,000
pictures of him! (no joke...) I included our favorite picture. If you
are in Austin and want a recommendation, I highly recommend Bonnie
Berry. She is fantastic.
Nicholas is 15 pounds now, and has 2 teeth! Its crazy...and he likes
to put everything in his mouth. He is starting to sit up, and tries to
crawl like an inch worm. He LOVEs dogs.
Week 18 (sept 8 - sept 14) was a rough week for us. He was 4 months old this week; He is 15.1 pounds, 25 inches long. His weight is 60% percentile, height 75% percentile, and head is 40% percentile. He got his second round of vaccines. That night his fever spiked to 101.9. We were up all night with him, but he was better the next day. He still wakes up a couple times a night as he rolls over, but has now embraced the tummy sleeping. He is sleeping in his room now, and dan and I take turms sleeping in the guest room so we can be closer to him. I miss him in our room so much. He doesn't nurse as much now and I am very sad.
His teeth has popped through and he is still very fussy.
This week we met Dan's father at Cafe Blue on the Lake. We had a great week with some cool weather - our over 90 degree summer looks like it is coming to an end. we also did not get any rain from Hurricane Ike.
I hope everyone is doing well, and I'd love to see pictures of your
families - actually facebook has kept me up to date on most of you! ;)
Who else feels like a voyeur???! Ok, back to work and talk to you all
I posted week 20 pictures on Flickr:
and the latest videos: http://www.youtube.com/
ps. If I owe you a Thank you card, i am SORRY i'm working on them. :o)
My mother thinks I am the WORST - and wishes I was more like Kathleen.
progress report,
Holiday Pictures!
I LOVE Christmas! I love the music! I LOVE getting Christmas cards. Every year its a big deal for me to find the perfect card, the perfect outfits, and the perfect picture. Needless to say this amounts to even more stress but I enjoy it. I drive my husband crazy, but its worth it when I get my freshly printed cards in the mail and send them off. And I can't wait to get them in return too!
This past weekend the whole family posed for some pictures for our 2009 Holiday card. It was a little bit of a fiasco, but we did get a handful of good pictures. It was almost impossible to get everyone to look at the camera, pose nicely, hair in place, and noses clean. This one I posted below reflects the chaos that IS our life right now and I think it is perfect. Brandon also passed out for the last 20 minutes of the session. I uploaded a handful of pictures on FLICKR for a sneak peak before the card goes out! The rest will be posted in December

This past weekend the whole family posed for some pictures for our 2009 Holiday card. It was a little bit of a fiasco, but we did get a handful of good pictures. It was almost impossible to get everyone to look at the camera, pose nicely, hair in place, and noses clean. This one I posted below reflects the chaos that IS our life right now and I think it is perfect. Brandon also passed out for the last 20 minutes of the session. I uploaded a handful of pictures on FLICKR for a sneak peak before the card goes out! The rest will be posted in December
georges schemagin,
Reclaimed Wood
Monday, November 9, 2009
Reclaimed wood is rough and fun. Simple and majestic. Like my boys. and like my boys I love this table. and I want it badly. It was made to go in my house and I need it. Dan doesn't agree. So.........
I settled for second best. I had these fun and adorable blocks personalized for the boys rooms. Also reclaimed wood. Not really the same, but $4,000 cheaper.
I settled for second best. I had these fun and adorable blocks personalized for the boys rooms. Also reclaimed wood. Not really the same, but $4,000 cheaper.
reclaimed wood,
restoration hardware
Run Nicky Run!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
The Fleming Twins were fast back in the day. Val still is. I...not so much. Hard to stay fast when I haven't exercised in months.
It turns out my son takes after the Fleming side. He's fast. He runs around the couch. He runs from the diaper monster (every changing) and he runs on our walks. Let's hope he doesn't run like daddy as he gets older!
It turns out my son takes after the Fleming side. He's fast. He runs around the couch. He runs from the diaper monster (every changing) and he runs on our walks. Let's hope he doesn't run like daddy as he gets older!
fleming twins,
Boys Best Friends
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Here is a little love for my other babies, Roxy and Zeus.Everyone said we were nuts to get dogs when I was pregnant, but we're so happy we did. I grew up with dogs and i want my kids to always have dogs too. Both puppies have acclimated to the boys and have become a great source of entertainment for Nicky. He calls Roxy "Ra" and Zeus "Seus".
Roxy is a fierce protector, and loves to give them kisses. She won't hesitate to sneak in a french kiss when she can and the boys love it! I figure it helps build up immunities :) She loves to go on walks and Nicky has started to hold the leash himself. I will try to get a picture, because its pretty cute. Roxy kinda walks Nicky, really.

Zeus is our bozo. He is silly and clumsy and completely untrained. We love him anyways. Since Brandon has come along, he has become a little territorial, but he is also a great guard dog. He eats all of the boys toys and nothing is safe on the floor. shoes, balls, rattles. all destroyed.
Its not unusual for them to also share chewy bones. The bastier the better. We've also unsuccessfully tried to get Nicky to stop snacking on the dog food. Protein right? Its pretty universal I think for babies to play/bathe in the dog water bowls too. Makes for good photo opportunities and babies that smell like wet dog. FUN!
I can't wait to watch them all 4 of them grow up together and create wonderful childhood memories! Love you Roxy Roo and Zeusy Peusy!
Roxy is a fierce protector, and loves to give them kisses. She won't hesitate to sneak in a french kiss when she can and the boys love it! I figure it helps build up immunities :) She loves to go on walks and Nicky has started to hold the leash himself. I will try to get a picture, because its pretty cute. Roxy kinda walks Nicky, really.
Zeus is our bozo. He is silly and clumsy and completely untrained. We love him anyways. Since Brandon has come along, he has become a little territorial, but he is also a great guard dog. He eats all of the boys toys and nothing is safe on the floor. shoes, balls, rattles. all destroyed.
I can't wait to watch them all 4 of them grow up together and create wonderful childhood memories! Love you Roxy Roo and Zeusy Peusy!
Weekly collection of picture and video cuteness
Monday, November 2, 2009
How excited is everyone that I posted NEW pictures and videos! yay!

I posted these sets on Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/victoriaabeling/sets/
October Highlights!
Brandon - 16 weeks
(Updated) Nicholas - 17 months
Primrose Halloween party
Halloween 2009
Boat House Grill - Kids Night
I posted a bunch new videos on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/viccifleming
Happy Halloween
Slide Nicky Slide
Dance Party at the Abeling's (bad lighting makes this video hard to watch, but its sooo funny watching Nicky dance and run around in circles. I will try to get it again after bathtime again tonight. Nicky was a maniac)
Chatty Brandon
I posted these sets on Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/victoriaabeling/sets/
October Highlights!
Brandon - 16 weeks
(Updated) Nicholas - 17 months
Primrose Halloween party
Halloween 2009
Boat House Grill - Kids Night
I posted a bunch new videos on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/viccifleming
Happy Halloween
Slide Nicky Slide
Dance Party at the Abeling's (bad lighting makes this video hard to watch, but its sooo funny watching Nicky dance and run around in circles. I will try to get it again after bathtime again tonight. Nicky was a maniac)
Chatty Brandon
Happy November!
What I love about the Fall!
1. Cool mornings
2. Almost Christmas
3. Countdown to my birthday!
4. Sweater cardigans!
5. Getting ready in the morning with my kiddos! (summer, spring, winter or Fall!)
Today Brandon hangs out in the shower with me.
1. Cool mornings
2. Almost Christmas
3. Countdown to my birthday!
4. Sweater cardigans!
5. Getting ready in the morning with my kiddos! (summer, spring, winter or Fall!)
May the Force be with You - Happy Halloween 2009!
Vote for Nicky and Brandon!
grandma booba,
luke skywalker,
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