Welcome to Adventures in Abelingland and my Ultimate Blog Party page! This is my first year participating in The Ultimate Blog Party, sponsored by 5MinutesForMom.com. The genius idea started 4 years ago and is a great way to extend your network, meet other bloggers, and moms just like me!
I am a 33 year old working professional who's #1 hobby is her husband, Dan and her 2 kids Nicholas (23 months) and Brandon (9 months). I have 2 Boston Terriers, Roxy and Zeus, and a cat Eleanor.
I started this blog so my boys can always have special moments of their childhood captured on paper, pictures, and videos in blog form. Before my blog, I spent the first year of Nicky's life updating Flickr and You Tube weekly. It was like a full time job and it was hard to really convey those special moments and add my own commentary about our daily adventures. I am new to blogging, although I was an early adopter of LiveJournal back in 2002, but I never wrote in my blogspot. After Dan (and others) suggested I actually write in it, I finally agreed! It made so much more sense to consolidate everything in one place! Plus who wouldn't want to see my kids everyday!? :)
I post pictures of my kids, dogs, random musings, and occasionally tings I MUST have. Usually thats quite often. So take a look around, grab a drink, leave a comment, follow me on twitter @victoriaabeling and I'll be your friend too!
Happpy UBP 2010.
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