It's been my tradition to write my boys a letter after their monthly wellness check. I don't know what else to say other than you are PERFECT! You are such a joy. You have captured everyone's hearts and your smile is pure delight.
You had your 9 month wellness check on Feb 21st and there was good news to report. You are growing strong and healthy - as if we didn't know!
Weight 25lbs - 95th percentile
Height: 30 inches - 85th percentile
Head - BIG - 95th percentile
You are bigger, taller, and heavier than the other boys were at 9 months. You blew out of your 6-12 months clothes and I didn't even get to put you in everything. You're in a 12- 18, but can wear up to 24 months already. You are wearing a size 3 shoe or a 12-18 month size.
At 8 months you took your first step, and by 8.5 you were taking 3-5 steps. Now, just 2 weeks later you are walking everywhere - AND you beat Nicky. You are about a month ahead of him and 2 months ahead of Brandon.
Just like Brandon, you have 7 teeth. We didn't know if because your top lip doesn't move very much, but we just found 4 teeth poking through! You eat just about everything now and get very angry when you cant eat what your brothers are eating. You are down to 3-4 bottles and last month you stopped nursing :(
You sleep through the night the the best little sleeper. I had no idea what a baby who sleeps is like. Both Nicky and Brandon have had their moments, but things change over here on a daily basis. For now, we put you down around 6:30 and you get up around 7 am. You take 2 naps - 1 at 930 and then again at 1:30.
You can clap and go up the stairs. You can high five and you love to laugh. Daddy makes you laugh a lot. I love watching Nicky play peek a boo with you. We have graduated you to a big boy car seat and you no longer can fit in the infant one. Syonarah infant stuff! I can not wait to get rid of you. Be GONE!!
You love to play outside with your brothers and have a baby crush on little Kaitlin across the street. Brandon loves to drive you around in his firetruck and you have a blast.
I love you my last little angel. You make us very happy. I love watching you grown and become the man I know you will be. Its hard to say something different to you that I haven't said to the other boys, but know that I love you. Know that you can be and do anything you want. Know that you are special, important, kind, and good. Know that no matter what you do and are, I will never stop loving you.
Dear Brandon, Happy 9 months!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Dear Brandon,Happy 9 months, my little man! It feels like it was just yesterday I was driving to the hospital to meet you. I can't believe you are growing so much and so fast and becoming so independent. Over the last nine months, you have collected quite a list of nicknames: Brandy Boy from the ladies at School, Brando from Valerie, BB from Josh. Before you were born I dreamt of you and in my dreams, you were my little Banjo. That's my pet name for you. But your Daddy and I, just love you. Nicky calls you "NO Brandon, Move". That's his way of loving you too.
You had your 9 month wellness check today and there was good news to report. You are growing strong and healthy.
weight 21.8 ounces - 70th percentile
Height: 29 inches - 75th percentile
Head - 46 cm - 70% percentile
You're crawling all over, and sometimes when we turn our heads you are half way up the stairs now! Time to get more baby gates! You are enjoying school and doing so well. You are eating lots of solids and finger foods. Your normal schedule is cheerios/life/puffs in the morning before school, and at school you get 2-3 servings of baby food. You love pears and peaches, and yogurt. You also have a special place in your heart for Maddie, a girl at school who you share your treats.
You are starting to cruise and let go. Even stand for a bit by yourself. I captured this video yesterday of you "walking" with Nicky's Dump Truck (we won't tell him)
I am so proud of you my little Banjo. As always I like to see how you are doing in comparison to Nicky. Below are notes I took from his 9 month check up as well as a picture from his 9th month. He was a little stronger, heavier and taller, and already clapping, but we have time. I have no doubt you will shine in your own way. And you already do in our hearts. Never doubt that.
we love you, banjo.
Nicky started clapping and High Fives. he takes a couple steps now and is getting so big. At this last check -up for 9 months he was in the 75% for height, 85% from weight (up from 70% at 6 months) and still in the 40% for head. He has gained some weight and is really filled out. His weighs about 22 pounds now.
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