What color is that?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
The flood gates have opened! I can no longer keep up with the vocabulary...over the last couple of weeks we added way too many words to keep up. We can ask him to say something and he will repeat the same word. He also can recognize that fire, steam, and  food is "HOT". Usually this is followed by him blowing to cool it down while he says hot, hot, hot.  And he also started to answer questions, like what color are the trees (gween) and where is your X? He said "I don't know" the other day when we asked him where his nini is. His pacifier. SO SMART. My little Einstein.
He said lots of new names at the baptism Alex, Amy, Bob, Donna, Ellen, and Vic. We successfully got him to say BOOBA, too!

Here he is answering some questions in the pool.


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