You're Moving Up! Boys are growing up

Thursday, December 30, 2010
Look what we got in the boys cubbies! Best little presents from Primrose!
You Are Moving Up notice!
Next week Brandon move to his new  Toddler's Class
We are so proud of him, but we will miss Ms Tess and Ms Rachel who spoil him to death
Brandon will join Ms Crystal and Ms Meredith
This use to be Nicky's favorite class, so I know he will have a great time
There they will focus on teaching them their letters and numbers and colors. 
He will also be introduced to potty training!
Go Brandon!
Nicky will move to EPS 2 (Early Pre-School) 
I don't even know how to comprehend that in just 6 months, Nicky will be in  P R E S C H O O L!!!!!
{They move them in June, but the school year officially starts in September}
His teachers will be Ms. Christina and Ms. Saira
He will definitely miss Ms Delane and Ms. Tiffany, his "best friends" after Kylee Jo
In EPS2, Nicky will have a pretty tight schedule. They focus on the transition to a Pre Schooler and  the age "of rapid discovery"
{see below}
Congratulations B A N J O and N I C K Y!
And thank you, Primrose for another $15 a month tuition cut too!
I just need another ~$200 reduction to pay for Baby #3


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