Breaking News!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

May 18th
back on!!
My Dr. called and I am truly officially date-set-in-stone -scheduled for May 18th
Unless I got into labor before hand, 
Lucky Luke will be here in exactly 7 weeks from today!
Can't wait to meet you little guy.

First Peeps

It's an Easter rite of Passage
Like hunting for Easter Eggs
and taking Spring pictures in the Texas Bluebonnets!
the boys indulged on a car ride home from school 
Happy First Peep Day!

Rock The Bump

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
I'm 31 weeks and 3 days today
I have 7 weeks to go
I gained 6 pounds in the last 2 weeks 
They changed my C-Section date from May 18th to May 20th

Texts from Mr. Mom

Thursday, March 24, 2011
This is text I got when I woke up this morning
{I am in Palo Alto for work, Dan's home with the boys}
I feel guilty
but not really.
Welcome to my world, Mr. Mom.

Thank YOU

Just a little note to THANK everyone who wants to come organize my life.
Love you!

Naked Monday

Monday, March 21, 2011
Naked Monday


I am the worst Organizer. 
Nothing stresses me out more than  
What to do with my mail
What to do with the baby toy sprawl
and organizing things half ass
Like what's the point of buying plastic cereal container instead of buying enough for all cereal boxes. 
All or nothing, right? 
It's a weird pet peeve of mine. 
I lose control and start sweating
I go into convulsions and mass hysteria walking into The Container Store.
How do I organize the organizers? 
How do I organize what goes IN the organizers? 
How come my heart is beating so fast??
How many do I need?
What if I need More?
{Very Rational right?}
And I have a huge task in front of me that I am dreading...  
I have to separate all the boys old clothes into NB, 0-3, 3-6, 9m, 6-12, 12-18, 24m.
In preparation for Baby Luke
without hyperventilating or jumping off the roof
and if I am lucky, maybe then Dan will give me a rose.

Soccer Star

Thursday, March 17, 2011
I have been waiting for this day
When we can sign the boys up for soccer
{Even if it is not official league soccer; that doesn't start till 4}
So we signed Nicky up for Soccer Shots
and organized introduction to soccer
I dressed Nicky up in his USA National Soccer uniform
I tricked him into the Jersey
{He hates "jerseys"}
He refused the knee high socks
But he looked adorable
Ready to kick around a mean soccer ball
and seal his fate as the next Michael Owen. Or Landon Donovan.
We arrived at the park
The coach rounded the kids up
They lined up with their Daddies and Mommies
{Look how everyone is paying attention!}
Ella, Kylee Jo, and Ryder were there to play too

Nicky and Daddy started their calisthenics and stretching

and practiced passing techniques
But this was all in the first 5 minutes
Because then Nicky was "too sick with a fever" to finish playing soccer
But not too sick to swing on the swings
Because the next 40 were spent at the swings
and I was left to wonder where is my Soccer Star?
 We will try again this Saturday!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
A day for Green Beer, March Madness {Go UCSB!} and lot's of Kissing.
We are headed to Fion after school to jump in jumpy houses, drink green beer {I *may* have ONE} 
and have a fun time celebrating my friend April's {3rd time} 30th Birthday!  ;o)

And to get in the spirit of the Irish, here is my favorite Irish story from when I was little. Enjoy!

Dear Son,
Just a few lines to let you know that I am still alive. I am writing this letter slowly because I know that you cannot read very fast.
You won't recognise the house anymore when you come home; we moved because your Dad read in the paper that most accidents happen within 20 miles of home. I won't be able to send you the address as the last family here took the numbers with them for their next house, so they wouldn't have to change their address.
There was a new style of washing machine in the house when we moved in, but it wasn't working too good. I put 14 shirts into it last week, pulled the chain and I haven't seen them since!
About your father - he has a lovely new job. He now has 500 people under him. He is cutting the grass at the cemetery.
Auntie Maude has sent you a pair of socks she knitted, she put a third one in because she heard you have grown another foot since she last saw you.
The coat you wanted me to send you, your Aunt Sue said it would be a little too heavy to send in the mail with the heavy buttons, so we cut them off and put them in the pockets.
Your sister, Mary, had a baby this morning. I haven't found out yet whether it was a boy or a girl, so I don't know if you are an Uncle or an Aunt.
Jimmy locked his keys in the car yesterday. We were really worried because it took him two hours to get me and your father out.
Your Aunt Harriet took a flight from New York to Los Angeles last week, said it was the first time she had ever arrived somewhere before she had left. Last time she thinks that might have happened, the doctors said it was Altzeimer's disease.
Your Uncle Dick drowned last week in a vat of whiskey in Dublin Brewery. Some of his co-workers dived in to save him, but he fought them off bravely. We cremated the body and it took three days to put out the fire.
Your father didn't have much to drink at Christmas. I put a bottle of castor oil in his pint of beer and it kept him going until New Year's day.
I went to the doctor on Thursday, and your father came with me. The doctor put a small tube in my mouth and told me not to open it for ten minutes - your father offered to buy it from him.
It only rained twice last week. First time was for three days and the second for four. On Monday the wind blew so hard that one of the chickens laid the same egg four times.
Three of your friends went off a bridge in a pickup truck. Butch was driving. He rolled down the window and swam to safety. Your other two friends were in the back. They drowned because they couldn't get the tailgate down.
We received a letter yesterday from the undertaker. He said that if the last payment on your Grandmother's funeral wasn't made, up she comes.
Your loving Mother,
PS I was going to send you ten dollars, but I have already sealed the envelope.
.:The End:.

Welcome to the Third Trimester!

Thursday, March 10, 2011
Hello Third Trimester! Welcome to the home stretch - the final days of pregnancy! Every day that passes is one day closer till the end of my 4 year baby-making journey. We figured out when all this is said and done, the 5 years I have been in Austin, I will have been pregnant or nursing for 50 of the 60 months. WOW!

Everyone is so sure I will go back, try for 4 and pray to everything that is holy that it will be a girl -  but I'm scooping all that out. Bringing a melon ball-er to the c-section. Buy-bye. I'm old! It's time to retire! I want my body back! :)

Actually it is a very simple tubal-ligation. NO kitchen utensils will be harmed. Promise.

And since we seem to get pregnant by spontaneous combustion., Dan may just have to get chopped by the famous Dr. Dick Chop right here in Austin. Consultation prize: T-shirt that says "I got Chopped" by Dr. Chopp. True Story. Swear.

Back to the trimester - according to BabyCenter, Luke weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of his head to his heels. He can blink his eyes, which now sport lashes. With his eyesight developing, he may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. He's also developing billions of neurons in his brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.

Speaking of Fat, I am also supposed to gain another 11 pounds before my due date. If accurate, by May 18th, I should have gained about 28 pounds and tip the scales at over 160. Awesome.

And because I will be mad I did not document it here, here are belly pictures. All three times. This pregnancy, there is one and only one picture of my belly (so far). Not like last two times, where I practically documented every week. The novelty has worn off.

Nicky Pregnancy Pictures
Brandon Pregnancy Pictures

Happy Monthly Birthday!

Another month
Another 10th
Today Brandon celebrates his 20th month
Nicky his 34th month in this world
Soon I get to start all over counting monthly birthdays from 1
and comparing smiles, chubby cheeks, and toothy grins
Until then, I treasure the moments I have with you two
always amazed at what you have already accomplished
and anticipating so much more
I love you both so much
Happy Monthly Birthday

My "Someday" is Coming

Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Almost a year ago, I reflected on a very personal topic. I wrote about a beautiful, meaningful, incredible connection I had when breastfeeding my boys...and also of a missed opportunity.

A year ago, I didn't think I was able to have another baby - I had a complication with Brandon that makes labor risky for me. I was heartbroken to think that I passed up a chance during my newborn session to capture the essence of motherhood. To document that journey. To share.

I forgot all about this wish until I came across an old post from a year ago and it dawned on me, that in 2 months, another amazing little boy will be here to share this experience with me.

I think Someday is coming soon. See you in two months Michele :)

Inside the Head of Master Nicholas

Scene: in the car on our way to school in the morning
Nicky: Mommy, do you like Daddy?
Mommy: Yes, I love Daddy
Nicky: But you said mean things to Daddy when Booba was here. and Papa. Time out for you Mommy!

Scene: At the dinner table
Nicky: I don't like Brandon's name
Mommy: Why?
Nicky: I like my name better
Mommy: What is your name
Nicky: Nicholas Awexander Abewing

Scene: Sun setting over house
Nicky: Ohhh Daddy. It's so beautiful. It's perfect

Scene: At the book fair at school, Nicky see a book of baby animals
Nicky: I don't like crocodidles {I love how he says Crocodile}
Mommy: Why?
Nicky: You can't stomp on them like spiders
{I taught him well!}

Scene: In the car, Nicky sees a motorcycle
Nicky: I want a motorcycle
Mommy: You will never EVER, EVER, have a motorcycle
Mommy: No you will not.
Nicky: Yes, when I am four

Scene: In the bathtub learning our letters
Mommy: How do you spell Nicky
Nicky: N-O-C-K-Y, Nicky
Mommy: There is no "O" in Nicky
Nicky: {shouting} THERE IS TOO AN "O" MOMMY. No thank you, Mommy.

.:And That is That!:.

Big Fat Fail

We gave it a good try
but we get a Big Fat F
Brandon has his Nini
...and all is good again at night.

Thursday, March 3, 2011
I mentioned two days ago that I fell in love with a new little photo application. 
It's called 
Follow me: Abelingland. 
Let's share pictures!

 {Say Cheese!}

{My Cool Cats}

Nini Fairy

We successfully got rid of the ninis at school and during the day a while back. The boys know they can only have them at night - we did slack a little and the ninis crept into the car. We decided Nicky was too old, and Brandon needs help with pronunciation and his speech, so it was better to take them away now before he turns 2. We also want to have a couple months buffer before Luke comes.

We now faced the battle of removing the ninis from the nighttime bed. So yesterday the Nini Fairy came and while the boys were at school, Nini Fairy Dan made tiny cuts and holes in the pacifiers.

Nicky had a hard time with it initially, the holes collected saliva and he didn't like how they were "sweaty." So he had a meltdown around sweat and ended up watching American Idol with us until he feel asleep in our bed.

Brandon cried off and on all night long. He'd wake up and his ninis were all cut and he was hysterical. I was heartbroken, seeing how sad he was. There was no consoling him at certain points last night. I ended up sleeping on the couch outside our room to let Dan and Nicky sleep.

Hopefully this wont last too much longer...the Nini Fairy made more holes and cut the tips off. So far everyone but me is asleep in my house....

2011 Spring Trends

Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Last Month, Brandon sported a new look
A new trend is spreading....

My Own "Damn You Auto-Correct!"

Tuesday, March 1, 2011
It never ceases to amaze me how positively confused the iPhone’s auto correct function can be. My iPhone loves to change my words and make me look like an incompetent fool. Here are a couple of my own!

But other unlucky folks have faced far worse auto-correct fails and the best of the best are featured on the hilarious blog Damn You Auto Correct!

Jumping Beans

My little Jumping Beans
Brandon is Fearless
My poor Ottoman
Completely destroyed.

A Passing Fancy?

Every time we fly I hear:  
"We are NEVER EVER going anywhere again"
Every time we fly, I think it will be different.
Here's the thing. 
Flying with kids isn't so bad - I believe you have to have the right supplies and they have to be the right age
and you have to understand that it will be the most miserable flight of your life. 
Set your expectations really really LOW and it *might* be OK.
You may loose a husband
Chalk it up to Collateral Damage
Here is what I have learned:
The perfect time: 0 - 9 months
They are stuck in a car seat, most likely still nursing or taking a bottle and not walking.
They sleep a lot.
You just might be able to sleep.
or read that book.
The worst time: 12 months - 2 1/2 years old
They do not listen, typically no longer in a their own car seat or strapped down.
This means YOU have to hold them down
have arms of steel
They want to go "outside", they want to climb, scream, walk, they have no attention span, and basically are a squirming ball of wet noodle for the duration of the flight
unless they happen to pass out from exhaustion.
or benadryl. shhhhh.
You need enormous amounts of patience
Forget any books or magazines
Ignore all those around you.
or bribe them, the other passengers, with treats before the flight
The next stage is around 21/2
They sort of understand reason and can sit through 30 minute TV Shows
Get an iPad and download kid friendly apps
however remember there will be moments when they NEED something you don't have
like the only toy you forgot to pack
So you still need the right supplies.
This past Christmas, we started off great - on time, lines were short, then we got to security
Nicky would not take off his shoes
So he started screaming
at 7 am in the airport
So I did what every Mother does
I acted on instinct 
and grabbed some blue latex security gloves
simple. done. No more crying.
We sailed through security, the flight, and for once we conquered the art of flying with kids.
what did I know.... 
The reason I tell you this story is that 3 months later
I thought the gloves would be a Passing Fancy 
Nope...not even close.
So....we actually have THOUSANDS of gloves in our house
The accompany Nicky to school, parties, car rides, bath time, bedtime, and playtime
They are Vinyl, latex, latex-free, powder free, blue, purple, and white ones
We have stopped at every gas station in Austin begging for gloves
every restaurant graciously heeds our request
we accept the strange looks
every box at Walgreens, Target, and Walmart  
have been scrutinized, smelled, 
and "Nicky Tested"
His favorite happen to be the ones from School
he asks for 2 every day
finally I asked for a box to keep in his cubby
They obliged. 
But they didn't stay in his cubby

It's. Not. A. Passing. Fancy.

Instamatic Love

My friend Jessica has a HEE-larious blog "Keeping up with the Johnsons" that never fails to make me laugh out loud,  wonder why she isn't a professional writer, or the next Martha Stewart. 
She introduced me to Toffee Crack and my newest love Instagram iPhone App. 
Even though I am not witty, or the next Martha Stewart, nor can I bake; 
I do have something that I am so proud of: 
THIS Guy. 
Instamatic Love.


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