The {Last} Adventures of Nicky and Kylee Jo

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I have delayed talking about this because it makes me so so sad
Nicky’s best friend Kylee Jo moved the San Diego back in June
before she moved, Tom and Stacey took her out of class and let her hang out with Nick and Brandon at our house for the day. Kylie Jo LOVES Miss Tiffany too, so it was a perfect day for them.

They were all so cute together, eating, playing, running.
They even napped in the same room.
I couldn’t help but send Tom and S a text along with the sleeping picture that said 

“The Last  and ONLY Time Nicky and Jo Jo sleep together” ha ha.
I couldn’t hold back tears as Kylee Jo said good bye for the last time and Nicky yelled out: 

“I Love you, Kylee Joe, you’re my best friend”

 Its been a long summer with out our close friends
We miss them all the time
Nicky still asks for Kylee Jo and demands that her mommy and daddy bring her back on an airplane to see us.
My heart stops a little when he does. Mostly because he doesn't understand yet.
We Love you Wilsons!!
This summer was the {Last} adventures of Nicky and Kylee Jo...for now.

My Big 4 Month Old!

I have a really big baby boy - the biggest in the bunch
Luke got the  95th percentile trifecta - in height, weight, and head circumference!
He is 18 pounds and 26 inches long
Brandon and Nicky were both about 15 lbs at 4 months
And we thought Brandon was our linebacker
Luke is so strong he already rolls over back and forth and hold his self up on his arms
He is trying to sit up with assistance and gets stronger everyday from the Bumbo
He can reach out and grab things and bring them to his mouth
He pulls his legs in and shows signs of early crawling
He is teething now, but we haven’t seen any teeth yet
By the same age, Nicky had 2 bottom teeth but Brandon didn't have any teeth yet either
He stuffs his whole fists in his mouth and tries to soothe himself from the pain
He makes lots of noises and coos and goos and yelps out in a cute little voice
He loves to play under his activity mat and listens to the sounds
He loves to watch his brothers play and the doggies fascinate him. 
The best part - he LOVES me. yay for me.

I forgot to post Luke's 3 month picture and here he is at 4 months.


And the rest of the boys at 4 month....

Tuesday, November 10, 2009 Brandon had his 4 month check up and had a great progress report.  He is now 15 pds, 10 oz and in the 75th percentile in weight. He has the chubbiest little goishies (thighs) and I love to squeeze them and blow raspberry kisses.  He is 25 inches long and that puts him in the 55th percentile. He is in 3-6 months clothing and filling out all over. His head size jumped and did get bigger in the last 2 months and is now in the 50th percentile. Its neat to compare to Nicky at the same time. Both are 18 weeks at their 4 month check up. Both are 15 pds, and 25 inches. (But different percentiles! weird, I'll have to check on that. lol)  No teeth have pooked through yet, but the Dr seems to think it could be soon since his gums are a little swollen.

We tried a little food yesterday, but he hasn't gotten the hang of it yet. He is still a little wobbly and can't hold himself up for long periods of time. We practice our baby pull ups every day and he is getting better and stronger. He still gets up 2-3 times a night and its really taking its toll. I hope in the upcoming weeks we can move Brandon to his room and Nicky into his new room. Brandon is truly a happy baby. He smiles more than Nicky did and is starting to laugh outloud. He is content to hang out and is rolling over from tummy to back and ALMOST from back to tummy. Just a couple more days of practice. I took this from my friends blog so I could post some of his milestones.

Here are some of the four-month milestones and how Brandon is doing:

"By four months, your baby ... should be able to:
- on stomach, lift head up 90 degrees (yes)
- laugh out loud (yes and its the best sound in the world!)
- follow an object in an arc about 6 inches above the face for 180 degrees, from one side to the other (yes)

... will probably be able to:
- hold head steady when upright (yes, but kinda wobbly at times)
- on stomach, raise chest, supported by arms (yes)
- grasp a rattle held to backs or tips of fingers (yes)
- pay attention to an object as small as a raisin (no, i don't have any raisins)
- reach for an object (yes)
- squeal in delight (yes, very loudly too)

... may possibly be able to:
- keep head level with body when pulled to sitting (Yes! we love baby pull ups!)
- roll over one way (yes, from tummy to back. back to tummy is still a little hard)
- turn in the direction of mommy's voice (yes, he LOVES mommy)
- say "ah-goo" or similar vowel-consonant combinations (Brandon talks all day long).
- make a wet razzing sound (we're working on raspberry sounds!)

... may even be able to:
- bear some weight on legs when held upright (yes, he's so strong!.)
- sit without support (no, but spends lots of time in his Bumbo)
- object if you try to take a toy away (not yet)
- turn in the direction of a voice (yep)


Below is an email I sent out back in Oct 08 when Nicky was 4 months old. 3 weeks later I would get pregnant with crazy!

Hello Friends and family!

2 weeks ago, Dan and I had pictures taken of Nicholas at 4 months old.

He loves the camera already, probably because I have taken 8,000
pictures of him! (no joke...) I included our favorite picture.  If you
are in Austin and want a recommendation, I highly recommend Bonnie
Berry. She is fantastic.

Nicholas is 15 pounds now, and has 2 teeth! Its crazy...and he likes
to put everything in his mouth. He is starting to sit up, and tries to
crawl like an inch worm. He LOVEs dogs.

Week 18 (sept 8 - sept 14) was a rough week for us. He was 4 months old this week; He is 15.1 pounds, 25 inches long. His weight is 60% percentile, height 75% percentile, and head is 40% percentile. He got his second round of vaccines. That night his fever spiked to 101.9. We were up all night with him, but he was better the next day. He still wakes up a couple times a night as he rolls over, but has now embraced the tummy sleeping. He is sleeping in his room now, and dan and I take turms sleeping in the guest room so we can be closer to him. I miss him in our room so much. He doesn't nurse as much now and I am very sad.
His teeth has popped through and he is still very fussy.
This week we met Dan's father at Cafe Blue on the Lake. We had a great week with some cool weather - our over 90 degree summer looks like it is coming to an end. we also did not get any rain from Hurricane Ike. 

 I hope everyone is doing well, and I'd love to see pictures of your
families - actually facebook has kept me up to date on most of you! ;)
Who else feels like a voyeur???! Ok, back to work and talk to you all
I posted week 20 pictures on Flickr:
and the latest videos:

Love, Vicci, Dan, and Nicky...Roxy  &; Eleanor too!

Future Gaucho

My boys will never leave the house. 
I won't let them. 
But if they have to go off to college, I will gently shove them to Santa Barbara.
For the education.
But really because Mommy wants to come visit. 

Hello Fall!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

I am flying back  (on Friday) to Austin right now and thinking about a funny story my mom told me yesterday. While I have been in CA these couple days,  Grandma Booba and Papa Bob took Nicky and Brandon to help Dan out. Grandma Booba made a comment  that this “summer has been so hot.” Nicky replied, “No Booba, it’s not summer anymore. It’s fall!” Why, my precocious little Nicholas, you are correct sir, it is FINALLY fall.

SO Hello FALL!

We just wrapped up the hottest and driest summer on record here in Texas. We had over 85 days of 100+ degree weather – we shattered an almost century old record of 69 days set in 1925. Look at July and August. 3 days under 100.

They predict we need 21 inches of rain, just to get out of our draught. And to make things worse, because of La Nina, they are also predicting a very dry winter for us. Things aren’t looking good for us right now. In any case,  after Luke was born, everyone said, be thankful you are not pregnant right now…while that’s true and I am, I believe it is worse to have a newborn during the hot summer months.

See, even pregnant and uncomfortable,  at least you can still go outside. You may not like it, but you can. Yes, you think you are huge and fat, but you can swim and wear sunscreen – and you have a great excuse.  When you have an infant,  You can’t take them out in 105 degree weather. They would melt. They cant go swimming, they cant wear sun screen. They would spontaneously combust. You can’t wear them or go for walks. Even thr stroller is stifling and dangerous. It’s too hot to sit outside or go to the park.  Even the plastic slides burn your ass. I know because I have a burn scar.

I believe in something I call Austin summer Induced Cabin Fever. Its real because, I had it the year Brandon was born. It’s pretty much an “I am on maternity leave and stuck in the house and spend all my money online because its too hot to go outside.” If it weren’t for Grandma Booba and Papa bob I would have been stuck in the house with Luke spending money, and having a pity party.

So Thank you parents, for allowing us to enjoy the summer with Nicky and Brandon while you watched Luke. And for saving us a lot of money. (I take that back – Damn you PINTEREST!)

If we weren’t at the pool, we were at a splash pad, or running through sprinklers, or sliding down slip in slides, or spraying each other with water guns. It was a hot and wet summer. And By the end of August I was watered out and ready for sweaters and boots, and PLEASE some rain..  So last week, thankfully, we said good bye to the heat as our highs dropped from 105 to 95. And today we can officially kick summer to the curb and hope never to repeat again.  And now we wait for rain.

All the way from Texas

Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Dan sent me a pic of Luke and the said "he cried himself silly"


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Teething Bites*

So the last 3 days have been simply miserable for Baby Luke. He screams a blood curdling yell and wakes the dead. Namely me. He is in so much pain from his new teeth - we think top but have yet to see any white tips.

We try to soothe and comfort him, but we have the same problems we did we N & B; at 3-4 months they are too little to hold the teething toys on their own. Oragel seems to help, but I just got an email that the FDA recommends you do not give babeis under 2 benzocaine. The FDA must not have babies.

Luke tries to stuff both fists in his mouth as he cries big huge alligator tears. My heart falls into a 100 pieces. These pictures do the same.

{*thanks Erika! ;)}

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First Foods!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Yummy in my Tummy! Dr. said Luke can start eating solids. He ate about 2-3 spoonfuls of rice cereal and gobbled it down. Nicky was also a natural. Brandon took some time to get used to new textured on his tounge.

But, this is only exciting for so long...this is when the poopy diapers get real good....and stinky. Fun fun! Only 3ish more years and we will be diaper free!

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This Time We Mean It

We did it, we did it, we did it!
{Sing with me}
We did it, we did it, we did it!
And this time we meant it!
The price we paid for the Nini Fairy to come AGAIN
2 play Chainsaws, 1 automatic Thomas the Train, a remote control Monster Truck, and a slinky.
Phew. BUT
NO more NINI!
for reals this time.


Thursday, September 15, 2011
I posted this to Facebook last night ...
and it reminded me of something Nicky said the other night
So here is a special edition of "Inside the mind of Master Nicholas"
Scene: on the couch before bedtime
Daddy: One more show and then we're going to bed - no arguing
Nicky: what's arguing?
Daddy: When I say yes and you say NO
Nicky: Oh yeah, I do that all the time.

{Insta.gram} Cuteness - Nature

Tuesday, September 13, 2011
He calls them
we embrace nature over here

Inside the Head of Master Nicholas

Friday, September 9, 2011

Scene: Mommy and Daddy's Shower
Nicky: I  taking a shower so I can be clean and pretty for Tiffany tomorrow

Scene: Playtime Upstairs, followed by a loud crashing sound
Nicky: OOOWWEEE! {Screaming}
Daddy: Are you OK?? 
Nicky: You need to catch me if I fall Daddy.

Scene: Getting dressed in the morning
Nicky: Look Val, I'm in all red. 
Val: Like me. 
Nicky: Yeah, like a bobsled man.

Scene: At Grandma's pool
Nicky: {holding a bucket} Bye, bye, I'm going to work. See you tomorrow. 
Us: Bye Nicky.
Nicky: {one second later} Hi, I'm back from Tomorrow.

Scene: Nicky and Brandon playing with plastic guns
Nicky: I am the big brother and you be the little one. Let's go shoot. 
Brandon: OK.
Nicky: I'll keep on eye on you.

Scene: Watching the USA gymnastics
Nicky: I do that at Rollie Pollies {gymnast on the parallel bars}
Val: Wow neat, Nicky? Can you do that too? {gymnast on beam} 
Nicky: no, but next week I can

Scene: at the gates of a CLOSED SeaWorld
Nicky: Why is SeaWorld closed?
Shauna: The Dolphins are sick
Nicky: Why
Shauna: Because someone threw something in the water 
Nicky: Sigh, I bet it was a boy

Scene: car ride home from SeaWorld
Nicky: Oh NO! we didn't get a toy for Booba!


We LOVE Thursdays!
Not because its almost Friday
or that Project Runway is on
or the the maid comes in the morning...
It's because Grandma Booba and Papa Bob, take Nicky and Brandon OVERNIGHT.
All Night. For HOURS. And they don't come back until the morning. Really. It's awesome.
For those that don't really understand, for us, Thursdays are like "Before KIDS" {Luke doesn't count, he is so good}
An Anniversary every week.
A special Holiday.
And it's SO QUIET.
Now, of course the minute they leave, I miss them to pieces. But I am practically giddy!
Even though I know they are on their way to an "undisclosed location" as my mom says {aka: Target or Walmart} for toys.
And when Nicky gets home he will says things like:
"Mommy, Grandma Booba told me not to tell you, but we had a donut AND a sucker!"

But you know what?! I DON'T CARE.
I LOVE that they have this special time with them. I have such fond memories with all of my grandparents that this makes me so happy that they can spend this precious time with the ones that are close by.

Dan and I appreciate it so much more than you will ever know.

This was taken last Thursday, at our favorite local restaurant Cho Sushi.

Secrets of Abelingland - You is Kind

Have you read The Help?
I did. 
I loved it
Three things were repeated in the book
These three things I want my boys to know
No matter what.

I See Me!

Thursday, September 8, 2011
Mr. Luke is a babbler, cooer, and raspberry blower. And he is so happy! He rolls all over the place, and loves to grab is feet. He is already teething and gnawing on everything in sight. Both Nicky and Brandon got teeth around 3-4 months, so I wonder if Luke will too. Just like his brothers, he also likes to look in the mirror and smiles at himself. I snapped this little video of Luke this afternoon.


Wednesday, September 7, 2011
We got home yesterday. It was an eerie feeling driving back, but once I got to the front of Steiner I wanted to honk and wave. I was so happy and grateful. It was easier to get home, just a little traffic built up. You would not even know there was a fire. Most of it was off the main road.

Eleanor was fine... She seemed ok, but hungry.

House was good, except for all the food in our fridge and freezer we had up toss.

We bagged it all up and that night, the neighborhood church came by and picked up all our garbage and even left us a welcome home care package. So lucky to have such wonderful neighbors.

And thank you for checking in in us! We appreciate all the concern and support. I'll write more about the experience and emotional side later. Boys are in bath. Gotta go!

Here are the boys making "dinner" for the fire fighters. so sweet!

{and yes they are separating fruit loops}

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Monday, September 5, 2011
My house and moms house safe, but still evacuated till tomorrow due to power and gas outages. Another night in hotel. The fire os only 20% contained at this point but do not think it will threaten more of Steiner. dogs
went with their cousins Bella and Torino to Dogtopia for playschool. Boys love the hotel. It's finally cool today so we went for a walk!
Here is an ariel view of some of the damage - about 3 miles from us

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Location:N Capital of Texas Hwy,Austin,United States

Evacuation Update

I had nightmares all night about our house...eleanor the cat is at our house, I am praying she is ok.

I am very worried about some good friends who were a couple of the first to be evacuated. Their house was right off flat top ranch and they saw the flames in their backyard when they left at 4:15 yesterday.

We heard we won't be let in till after noon today so this labor day, we're thankful to be together and safe.

The Hotel we are at is like a camp. All our neighbors are here and I am pretty sure the hotel has not seen this many dogs ever. Everyone is making the beat of things.

I'll keep updating as we hear more. Good news is that it sounds like it's still only 25 homes, but we really won't know what's happening for a while.

Last night in the hotel room

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Evacuation Update

Sunday, September 4, 2011
The Abelings and the Turkovich's have evacuated and will be staying in a dog friendly hotel close by. It's pretty scary, 25 homes have burned and the winds from Hurricane Lee have made the fires bad. A lot of fires have broken out in central Texas and it's bad everywhere.

We left at 6:45 pm and arrived at the walmart (7miles away) at 8:45 pm. We're stocking up food and headed to the hotel for the night.

Pray it doesn't spread and pray for a the fire fighters and all the people who have lost their homes already.

Follow #steinerranch on twitter and for more info.

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Roxy and her Boys, round 3!

Thursday, September 1, 2011
Over the last three years, on of my favorite things to do has been take pictures and compare the boys in the same outfits, same positions, at the same age, and to recreate a favorite picture. 

One day I took a picture of Nicky and Roxy and it became one of my favorites...and then I did it with Brandon...and now Luke. 

All three pictures were taken about 13- 14 weeks and on the same chair. 

This stuff makes me happy that I have three boys
{but then I see this and I cry! sometimes. just once.}

VMware Love

I've been at VMware for almost 8 years. The month after I started Dan proposed. At VMware,  I celebrated my engagement, wedding, honeymoon, 3 promotions, a move to Austin, an IPO, 3 pregnancies and 3 maternity leaves. It's interesting and crazy how VMware has been such a big part of my adult life. It's been both a blessing and there have been many times, that I've almost jumped out the window  - after I've wanted to throw my computer out there first.
You've been good to me VMW.
Check out my standing in the company!


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