I've mentioned that my boys have super hemoglobin. This year they dressed the part - S U P E R H E R O S - at our Lakewood Hills block party. Spiderman, Batman, and the Incredible Hulk. I love my super super super awesome boys.
Scene: Daddy and Nicky in bed.
Daddy: Nicky it's quiet time
{10 minutes later}
Nicky: Excuse me Daddy. Excuse me, but can you touch an octopus?
Daddy: Yeah
Nicky: Ok, just not a jelly fish.
Scene: Sunday afternoon. Dan has to do expense reports
Daddy: I have to work
Nicky: Why
Daddy: Because my boss told me I had to
Nicky: No one tells daddy what to do
Mommy: Well, Mommy does
Nicky: No
Mommy: Yes
Nicky: No mommy
Mommy: Yes
Nicky: NO Mommy., no one tells Daddy what to do. Never
Scene: In the car, Nicky talking about monster trucks, Brandon pointing out Big Trucks.
Nicky: "...and then Monster trucks, blah blah monster trucks..."
Nicky: Daddy why where you driving so fast? Did you get a ticket? Do you have to go to time out? Are you going to go slow? And then go fast? Look daddy, those cars are going really fast. Those are bad cars. Are you going fast? The Police man is going to catch them. {Sneezes} Bless me. Can I see the ticket. Are you going a little fast next time? Here you go mommy. {Hands me ticket}. Thank you.
Scene: Mommy and Nicky at Target.
Mommy: Nicky can I have a sip
Nicky: You should have got your own
Scene: Nicky on the potty:
Nicky: This is a really hard one, but it's coming out fast. I can hear it. It's coming. Its sounds like this. {Makes a face and grunts.} Sometimes it's big. {Roxy walks in} Hi Roxy. She's a good girl. {Brandon walks in} Hi Brandon. Do you have to go? Ok, Mommy all done. {hops off pot and looks inside} Oh wow look mom, it's a dinosaur bone one!
While I am on the subject of surviving, I found this quote on Pinterest and wanted to share this advice when I need it the most. All too often I find myself wondering how to manage the daily chaos and keep my head up when its the same thing over and over. I just want to remind myself often to live in the moment, cherish the little minions while I have them, and like it says, breathe.
Because after all, I would not change my life for anything in the world.
Brandon Kept saying over and over to himself "mommy coming, daddy too, Nicky too. Mommy coming, daddy too, Nicky too." He finally put himself to sleep. He woke up 2 more times and both times we stayed downstairs despite the urgent pleas of “coming for me” – up at 7am
Luke went right to bed. Woke up 2 times, Got up to feed at 7 am.
Date: Saturday Oct 22nd Time to execute: 6.45 pm New Variations: NO TV after 5pm. Brandon goes back into his room. Back into a crib. Luke sleeps in his pac in play temporarily in the guest room. Nicky in his room. Once upstairs for bath, no going downstairs. No more milk for Brandon in the middle of the night. Never take them out of their "sleep environment". No more going upstairs when they cry. For any of them.
Phase 1: Luke - 6.00 solids, 6.30 Bath, 6.45 milk, 7.00 down. Alseep by 7.05 Phase 2. Brandon - 6.00 dinner, 6.45 bath, brush teeth, peepee, milk. 7.00 books, 7.30 in bed Phase 3: Nicky - 6.00 dinner, 6.45 bath, brush teeth, peepee, milk. 7.00 books, 7.30 Brandon in bed, then go to Nicky's room. Talk to Nicky for 10 minutes and then leave.
1.Luke woke up 2 times, cried himself back to sleep within 20 minutes on average. I got up with him at 5 to nurse (I needed to - I AM not used to going all night yet, haha) Then he went back to sleep till 8.
2.Brandon woke up at 11 pm, we let him cry for about 15 minutes. He finally laid down softly said “mommy come here” and laid down. I cried. Haha. Then he woke up about 1 and he was having a terrible fit. After 20 minutes again, he threw his blanket out of the crib and finally laid down. We made a mistake and went in there to cover him with his blanket and he woke up, so Dan had to tell him to go back to bed, and he screamed again for another 10 minutes. Woke up at 7 am
3.Nicky slept all night. Heard Daddy with Brandon at 7 and got up with them at 7.
We learned a couple things
1.We can do it!
2.Dan and I had 3 hours to hang out together after bedtime :)
3.Don’t go up at all - dress them warmer, footed PJs, sleep sack if we think they could be cold
I'll share our sleep plan from the sleep consultant tomorrow and give an update how the night goes for all three. Big changed for everyone. But it has to be done.
Three different baby monitors in three rooms is funny.
Wish us luck. We are taking back our night. Boys please don't hate us for what we have to do. We are teaching you how to cope too. Be strong. All of us. Xoxox
While I was looking for a 5 months picture of Nicky I found this one - it was {is} a favorite of mine. We look so happy and I can still remember him that way.I think I will have to see if I still have those clothes and try to do that with Luke. Maybe he kinda looks like Luke here? I can't tell. Who knows.
Last night I was up at 12, 1, 3, and then everyone was up at the butt crack of dawn, 4:50 am. I am tired of complaining about sleep and about how tired I am for not sleeping through the night in three YEARS If I hear "I don't know how you do it" one more time, I will jump off a cliff because even if you don't. I still might. and I NEED to sleep So I caved out of desperation and to save my sanity I hired a Sleep Consultant But before we even got started, this is what I got back from her after filling out the questionnaire.
"To be completely honest I am not sure I can really help as much as I first suspected. Number one I don't think they have any real sleep issue in terms of serious night terrors or disorder or anything if that makes sense...believe this is much more a discipline and habit issue than a sleep issue...I just don't want to charge you for something that really comes down to personal discipline and enforcement."
OMGIWANTTOSCREAM. I still need help So back to the drawing board