Hello, Whatever

Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Hello Monday {March 19} Wednesday {March 28}

I am off by a couple weeks and missed last Monday's post
What year is it? 2012?
What HOTEL in a pretty high tech city like Park City, doesn't have WIFI, or even ancient dial up?
No bother, i'm just 11 days late on my Monday roundup.
this is a long one...


Hello Airplanes
I took the boys to Park City to visit Auntie Val and Auntie Shauna
They love airplanes
I love iPads
 Hello Drama
Nicky hit his head on the railing at the airport
he screams like I do
he also picked up one of my personality traits
Hello Backpacks
Hello so much cuteness
Hello they can carry their own toys
Hello Auntie Val
I LOVE how much they love Auntie Val
I love how much she loves them
this is when I get angry we don't live in the same city

Hello Superhero
 Brandon tired on Val's helmet
he thought he was "super fast"
I think he is super perfect
 Hello Orientation
This is my signing my life away before the Bobseld ride
Orientation was the following
"Oh yeah, scrunch your shoulders and don't hit the driver"
 Hello last picture with my boys if something happens
they were actually really excited
 Hello bobsled outfit:
skinny cords, tory buch, and jcrew.
you can be stylish at 85 mph
  Hello Shamrocks.
Hello Hams.

 Hello um.
can a 3 yr old try be sexy?
Hello Snow in Park City

Hello Draco
You are cute.
 Hello Dinosaurs.
Yes, I see you followed us to Park City

Hello Snowball Fight
Hello good times
Hello frostbite because mom did not bring any gloves

Hello Snowman
...with no face
  Hello Cats
It was raining "cats" in Austin
It's true.
It was on Instagram
 Hello Dishwasher
He loves to wash dishes
 Hello Katniss
I'm wearing my "girl on fire" dress on my way to
the Hunger Games show
 Hello Bobby Bones
Austin's Morning DJ
I listen to you every morning
I look ridiculous and fat
Hello Fancy pants
Yes, you are precious
and cute
and wonderful
and I love you
Hello Boston Love
Hello "awww"

Hello Luke
Hello 8 teeth!
even if you cant see them...
Hello Naked  Boy
so standard really
this time in the drive thru pharmacy line at Walgreens
 Hello Laundry
Nicely folded
I keep Eco Clean in business
Hello Brothers
This has been a long time coming
this is what three boys is going to be a blast


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