In One Month

Monday, April 18, 2011
 Dear Luke, we are cheating...
You're not supposed to come until May 28th
really 6 weeks away...
but the Dr. wants me -US - to be healthy and I cannot go into labor
I am having my third c-section at 38 weeks so nothing "catastrophic" happens.
But it wont.
The only thing catastrophic so far, has been my enormous thighs swallowing up my knees 
and my rear end starting to become the 8th world wonder. 
So, the countdown is on. 
30 days till you arrive. 
30 more days of pregnancy. 
30 more days of O'Douls.
30 more days of gluttony
30 more days of your strong kicks in my bladder. 
30 more days before we become a Party of Five.
I can't wait to see your face
I cant wait to see your toes
I cant wait to hold you
smell you, touch you.
I cant wait to see YOU
AND I cant wait to have my body back
I cant wait to see my knees
I cant wait to drink and eat sushi
I cant wait to be done
And I cant wait to tell you how you completed our family.
I cant wait to tell you I love you.
I cant wait to tell you how LUCKY I am.
May 18th can't come soon enough.

Here is your mommy at 34 weeks....tanning you and her white body in the sun.


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