Scarlett O'Hara, Franice Nolan, and Harry Potter

Friday, April 23, 2010
When I was little I danced with Scarlett O'Hara, sat on a fire scape with Francie Nolan, and traveled by horse like the Comanche Indians.  Books were my life, my passion. When I was grounded, my parents took my books away. When we went to Clear Lake for vacation, Val fished and played ball with my dad, while I sat in a blow up boat and read books with Fabio on the cover, oblivious to anything and everything around me. I dreamt I was a Babysitter, a cheerleader at Sweet Valley High, a debutante, a Duchess and a pirate.

My love of books has been with me since my first Summer Reading Book Club in 4th grade. I am rarely without a book and before Nicky and Brandon, I was known to read 3-4 books a week. Yesterday I came across an article that lists out the 25 best books kids should not be without. Some we have, some are new, and some I can't wait to purchase. I also realize that reading is still apart of my life, however, Fabio has been replaced with ABC's and Harry Potter with Touch and Feel books...

below are a list of some of our favorite books to read in our house. Enjoy!


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