I'm In! Ultimate Blog Party 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Ultimate Blog Party 2010

Welcome to Adventures in Abelingland and my Ultimate Blog Party page! This is my first year participating in The Ultimate Blog Party, sponsored by 5MinutesForMom.com. The genius idea started 4 years ago and is a great way to extend your network, meet  other bloggers, and moms just like me!

I am a 33 year old working professional who's #1 hobby is her husband, Dan and her 2 kids Nicholas (23 months) and Brandon (9 months). I have 2 Boston Terriers, Roxy and Zeus, and a cat Eleanor. 

I started this blog so my boys can always have special moments of their childhood captured on paper, pictures, and videos in blog form. Before my blog, I spent the first year of Nicky's life updating Flickr and You Tube weekly. It was like a full time job and it was hard to really convey those special moments and add my own commentary about our daily adventures. I am new to blogging, although I was an early adopter of LiveJournal back in 2002, but I never wrote in my blogspot. After Dan (and others) suggested I actually write in it, I finally agreed! It made so much more sense to consolidate everything in one place! Plus who wouldn't want to see my kids everyday!? :)

I post pictures of my kids, dogs, random musings, and occasionally tings I MUST have. Usually thats quite often.  So take a look around, grab a drink, leave a comment, follow me on twitter @victoriaabeling and I'll be your friend too!

Happpy UBP 2010.



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